I am pleased to share with you the report from the Global Board Governance Survey which BoardProspects recently conducted with Protiviti and Broadridge. There are of course plenty of corporate governance surveys out there, but this survey is unique in that it sought to gain the perspective of more than 1,000 board members and the c-suite on the major governance topics of the day. The results, specifically where these two groups diverge, is concerning and should serve as a cautionary message to boards that they need to have better communication with the c-suite to ensure stakeholder value is not being compromised.
It should be noted that going into this survey we certainly did not expect complete alignment between the board and the c-suite on every question they were being asked. They are both coming from different perspectives and that is going to color the way they view certain issues. However, there were certain areas where I did not expect to see such a level of disagreement between the board and c-suite. For example:
One area where the board and the c-suite do align, but should nevertheless raise a red flag in the boardroom, is with respect to underperforming board members. Only 58% of board member respondents and 36% of c-suite respondents agree that board members falling short of expectations are addressed in a constructive manner. Boards need to do a better job of confronting underperforming board members – either through improved performance or offboarding.
The primary takeaway from this survey is for boards to be proactive in ensuring an open and constructive level of communication and engagement with the s-uite. Only then can the board confirm that they are acting at all times in the best interests of the stakeholders.
Enter your email below to read the full results from the Global Board Governance Survey, conducted in partnership with Protiviti and Broadridge.