Corporate Secretary Webinar – Lessons for governance and IR teams on ESG

Date Posted: August 22, 2019

Presenter: Corporate Secretary, IR Magazine & Nasdaq
Level: Advanced
Length: 45 mins
Class Format: Pre-recorded Video Seminar

Corporate Secretary and Nasdaq recently partnered to publish research that focuses on how corporate governance and investor relations professionals not only engage and report on ESG issues, but also how they interact with the investor community on those matters.

Join us as our panel of experts from Nasdaq and Hewlett Packard Enterprise discuss key findings from the report and the impact on governance teams in the future. We’ll discuss:

  • Why ESG-related engagement by governance professionals is expanding at larger companies
  • How governance teams should approach interaction with investors
  • How corporate governance and investor relations teams can work collaboratively on ESG matters
  • How companies should approach responses on information requests/questionnaires from ESG rating agencies and index providers
  • The pros and cons of disclosing ESG-related information and how to maximize the benefits while minimizing the drawbacks

This event took place on 

August 22, 2019

Video Presentations

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